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What you "NEED" to Know about Drain Maintenance

Have you ever stopped and thought about what goes down your drain on a daily basis? Besides all of that wastewater, there’s a lot of things exiting our homes and businesses every day, everything from toilet paper to hygiene products to food and grease! All of that waste, all of that hair, soap, dirt and grease, adds up – and pretty quick. Just because it makes its way down the drain, however, doesn’t mean it always reaches its final destination.

You might think your drains are working perfectly fine, as everything seemingly goes down smoothly, but there could be trouble brewing below the surface. All of that stuff going down the drain can start to cause buildups, leaving less room for wastewater and more room for clogs. Sure, your drains provide signals that something wrong could be right around the corner but many of us wait until our pipes make the first move – clogging up and leaving a stressful, sometimes messy, situation. The best defense is a good offense and such is true with drains.

That’s where preventative maintenance comes in but why is it so important to be proactive????

The Benefits Of Preventative Drain Maintenance

When we talk about preventative drain maintenance, we’re talking about a regularly scheduled inspection and drain cleaning. A drain cleaning fully flushes out pipes, helping to wash away accumulated build-up over a lengthy period of time, using a high-powered water jet.The biggest benefit to scheduling regular drain cleanings is that it can actually extend the lifespan of your pipes. As biofilm, hairballs and other gunk build on the lining of the pipe, it can cause damage and ultimately a backed-up mess, if left unnoticed. However, if you treat it early on with a quick water jetting, before it turns into a massive clog, the chance of future damage decreases. A clean, free-flowing drain pipe is a happy drain pipe – one that’ll last much longer.

If you’re having your drains inspected regularly, there is also a reduced risk of future clogs as well as faster drainage. Every time you use your sinks or toilets, you won’t be crossing your fingers, hoping everything eventually goes down – or even waiting to make sure slow-draining water goes completely away. Cullip Services is your go to for routine drain maintenance, give us a call today, and avoid an emergency call tomorrow.

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